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Mr. Schlueter graduated from the Louisiana State University Law School in 1973. He was selected to membership in the Louisiana Law Review following his first semester and subsequently published in the Law Review. While attending law school, Mr. Schlueter also worked at the Louisiana Legislative Council at the State Capitol, primarily researching and drafting legislation, as well as assisting on reapportionment issues.
During his years at Foley & Judell, Mr. Schlueter has specialized in all phases of government finance and has handled well over 1,300 bond issues for numerous public entities. His specialties include General Obligation Bonds, Sales Tax Bonds, Utility and other Revenue Bonds, Limited Tax Bonds, Parcel Fee Bonds, Assessment Certificates and many types of Refunding Bonds involving varied structures.
Over his career, Mr. Schlueter has frequently lectured and participated in panels on public finance topics, including presentations to the National Association of Bond Lawyers, Organization of Parish Administrative Officials, Louisiana Government Finance Officials Association, Louisiana Fire Chiefs Association, Louisiana District Attorneys Association, Louisiana City Attorneys Association, Louisiana Association of School Business Officials and the Louisiana School Superintendent's Academy. In addition to membership in the Louisiana and American Bar Associations, Mr. Schlueter is a member of the National Association of Bond Lawyers.
Juris Doctor, Louisiana State University, 1973
B.A. (Government), Louisiana State University, 1970
Memberships and Affiliations
Louisiana State Bar Association
American Bar Association
National Association of Bond Lawyers
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